Saturday, March 7, 2009


Last night I was a bit careless and I accidentally bumped a small exposed power connector while using the computer. Usually, that cord would be connected to a fan attached to the side of my case, which resists the current flowing through it, but I had removed my side panel because I needed to swap some parts out of my computer. I get pretty lazy sometimes, and after I swapped the parts out, I didn’t bother replacing the side panel and hooking the fan back up. That was a huge mistake. When I let the exposed power connector touch the conductive metal of my computer’s case, I short circuited my computer because there was little resistance (compared to the resistance of the fan) through the case. Luckily, due to the short circuit protection built into the power supply, I was able to get my PC (no components seemed to have been damaged) running again within moments. Hooray for safety features!

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